Executive City of Johannesburg

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The Executive City of Johannesburg

What does the executive city of Johannesburg do?

It is the executive mayor’s task to manage the affairs of the City, and as such the position has an overarching strategic and political responsibility.

The executive mayor:

Has executive power, delegated by the council and assigned by legislation;
Is accountable for the strategic direction and performance of the City; and
Is assisted by an appointed mayoral committee. Each member of the mayoral committee is responsible for a particular portfolio within the City structure.
The executive mayor is also the City’s first citizen and represents the City at ceremonial functions.​

Strategic and personal support to the executive mayor and Head of the Office

Provide strategic support to the executive mayor in carrying out all his political and executive responsibilities
Oversee management of diary, year planner, including State of City Address, Budget Speech, etc
Ensure effective management of all Mayoral Sub-committees chaired by Executive Mayor
Ensure effective implementation of the performance management system of the City both at the political and administrative levels.
Overall office management (human and finance resources)

How to contact the Office of the Mayor in the City of Johannesburg?

Postal: P.O Box 1049, Johannesburg, 2000
Physical: Metropolitan Centre, 1st Floor Council Chamber Wing, 158 Loveday Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
Tel: 011 407 6111
Fax: 011 339 5704
Website: www.joburg.org.za

Cllr Dada Morero

How to contact the Office of the City Manager in the City of Johannesburg?

Acting City Manager – Bryne Maduka​

citymanager@joburg.org.za / BryneMa@joburg.org.za

Members of the Mayoral Committee

(October 2022)

Environment, Infrastructure & Services

Mpho Sesedinyane (ANC)
Cell: 0726622359 / 0785941926
Email: sesedinyane@yahoo.com

Development Planning

Thapelo Amad (Al Jamah)
Cell: 065 881 7456
Email: Abubakr.itla@gmail.com

Public Safety

Jack Sekwaila (ANC)
Cell: 082 416 7714
Email: Jack.sekwaila@gmail.com

Health & Social Development

Eunice Mgcina (ANC)
Cell: 0716421453 / 0836937884
Email: SibongileMg@joburg.org.za

Corporate & Shared Services

Loyiso Masuku (ANC)
Cell: 0828386906
Email: loyisol.masuku@gmail.com

Economic Development

Nomoya Mnisi (ANC)
Cell: 073 178 1708
Email: nomoya8@gmail.com


Margaret Arnolds (AIC)
Cell: 0764705080
Email: MargaretA@joburg.org.za


Ashley Sauls (PA)
Cell: 073 665 1215
Email: AshleyS@joburg.org.za ombizavanniepark@gmail.com


Anthea Natasha Leitch (PA)
Cell: 083 523-1883
Email: anthealeitch@gmail.com

Community Development

Lubabalo Magwentshu (ATM)
Cell: 063 267 8837
Email: lubamgt08@gmail.com

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