Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2021

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Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2021

In terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2021 LogNow gives notice to the subscribers of this website and confirms that :-

The administrator(s) of website commits to treating your personal information in a confidential and secure manner and that LogNow will not share your personal information with anyone without your consent save for the below.

In terms of POPI kindly be informed that your continued membership/subscription to the LogNow website notice has been given, it shall be deemed that consent has been granted by you as the Subscriber to LogNow.

Processing messages.

When receiving and processing future messages from you,  you authorize the administrator(s) of to act in accordance with your instruction when logging an issue(s). The issues logged shall processed for the relevant purpose for which this website and services offers, by processing your data and services it provides securely and confidentially.

Your Information when used for logging an issue.

LogNow undertakes to utilise the information provided by you or your Business to notify the City of Joburg and its entities of complaints / issues you have raise. The relevant information contained in your profile is used to populate forms to mininimise your interaction to improve efficiency and assist you with the issue you have raised. By using your personal information in a confidential and secure manner at all material times this will be processed when engaging on your behalf with the City of Joburg or any entity City of Joburg wholly-owned entity.

This official Privacy Policy of the LogNow is available at

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