Report City Parks infringements

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City Parks & Zoo infringments

By-law infringements can be reported to the Johannesburg Metro Police Department.

The Johannesburg Metro Police Department is responsible for by-law enforcement in the city of Johannesburg. Residents can report issues such as public nuisance, public drinking, noise and reckless driving to JMPD.

  • By-law enforcement 011 375 5911
  • Hotline for traffic-related issues 080 872 3342
  • Hotline for illegal dumping 080 012 0555 or 082 779 1361

Johannesburg City Parks manages the city’s parks, cemeteries, open green areas, street trees and conserved spaces.

All queries should be channelled through the call centre, Joburg Connect, which can be contacted 24 hours, seven days a week, on

0860 56 28 74 or 011 375 5555

For each query, you will get a reference number.

Make sure you keep this number so that you can follow up your query.

While most people have complaints for the municipality, many do not actually report them to the correct people or in the right way.

If someone has not logged a service delivery query, then the City of Johannesburg is probably not aware of the issue, and it may remain unresolved.

The municipality relies on residents to log service delivery failures so that they are able to attend to them and resolve them. Even if you think, ‘Someone must have reported this already, I don’t need to,’ you should still log your complaint. The sooner residents log complaints, the sooner they can be resolved, and if a lot of residents are logging the same complaint, the probability is that it will be seen as more urgent and resolved a lot faster.

The easiest way to log a complaint would be with a CoJ website known as LogNow (


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